Friday, April 10, 2015

New 12x12 Blanket!!

Hello everybody! How was your day? Hope it was not rainy and dreary as it is where I am. Here is a blanket I made a few days ago for Project Linus. It is a blanket for a tiny stillborn. 12x12, 26 rows, 42 stitches per row, blue and gold and a blue chain loop edging. These are quite simple to make. I really enjoy making them. Thanks to my brother for taking the photo! Any projects on your horizon?


  1. Awww, you look so cute! Nice job with the blanket. Currently I'm knitting a doily dishcloth, a soda can cozy, and a lace scarf with cat paws design.

    1. Thank you! Wow, you are a busy lady, multi tasking like that. Make sure to post pictures, those sound like great projects.
