Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Had quite the yarn haul yesterday! Yes indeedy. Dee took these photos, she's the one with the phone, always depending on my sister for photos!! 
    So, the top and bottom ones. I am not sure what type of yarn the top one is, but it is very soft and thick. I imagine it would require a big hook. My N hook is up for the challenge. Will have to ask some crochet ladies what type of yarn it is. The yarn was given to me by a nice lady named Diane, who brought some things over for the benefit yard sale!
    She also gave me the yarn in the bottom photo. Never in my life did I think I'd get to see "Aunt Lydia's Heavy Rug Yarn" in the flesh! Or in the Rayon/Cotton. Many cool colors like National Blue, Tangerine, Burnt Orange, Yellow, Antique Gold, Blue, Wood Brown and Rust. Lovely!
    Yesterday morning, my awesome Mother surprised me with three skeins of Red Heart!! Soft White, Perfect Pink and Jade. Absolutely gorgeous.
   Also featured in the photos is my bed and Aunt Lois blanket, as always!! There are no words for how much I love my Aunt and the blanket she made me!
    What is your favorite type of yarn? Let me know!


  1. I could be wrong, but I believe the yarn in the top photo is Bernat Blanket. I say this because I recently purchased a skein of this brand when it was on sale, and it is indeed very soft and thick. It also resembles what I see in your photo.

    I love wools and wool blends. Paton's Classic Roving Wool and Loops & Threads Cozy Wool are two of my favorite brands.

  2. Indeed it is! Lovely stuff. I've never used wool before, they don't sell Wool at Wal Mart as far as I know!

    1. Yeah, last time I checked (which was awhile ago) I mostly saw acrylics there. I usually get my yarn from Michaels or JoAnn Fabric.
