Every September, the fair comes to our town, with food, animals, rides, contests and madness. LOTS OF MADNESS!
There was only one year when I had not entered anything. 2013, July, August and September were a whirlwind and I barely had time to prepare! But I have a feeling that 2015 is going to be a good one.
I am entering a Sashay knitted scarf, a crochet beach bag and a finger knitted necklace. The rest of the family is putting in their art as well. This will be the first time where I will not be dropping my stuff off in person! I am working tonight. Isn't it odd how I never thought I would get a job? And here I am. Things seem to be coming together in many an interesting way!
I like my job a lot so far. The only anxieties I have are memorizing the menu (it is big) and messing up somehow! But Anxiety will be with me every place I go, might as well get used to it.
I love getting ready for work. I lug all my make up and hair stuff into the bathroom, line everything up on the window sill and turn on some tunes. I've been listening to a ridiculous amount of Tommy James and the Shondells and Lou Christie as of late.
The Shondells recently did a free concert, and how I wish I could've made it out. Over 9,000 people went. How can one go wrong? Good music for free!
Imagine being there, 9,000 people. Everybody together, enjoying music from days gone by. It's a beautiful thought.
I leave you with two Shondells songs. "Ball Of Fire" is amazing. "Dragging The Line" is my work song.
I love "Draggin' the Line." Never heard "Ball of Fire" before, so I gave it a listen. I found the melody and lyrics to be quite soothing. Great pick.