Friday, December 18, 2015


  I have had a love/hate relationship with Saturday. When I was little, it was the best day ever, my father's day off. On that day, we would usually head out to the antique stores and to eat.
   We moved around a lot, Dad got a new job, and Saturday became just another day. Of course, it still had electricity in the air, as I feel all weekends do, but it just wasn't the same.
   Until Saturday became something to look forward to.
     I am crazy about comedy stuff, so I always loved Saturday Night Live. I would watch it sometimes as a kid with my parents, but I would have to Eiether close my eyes, ears or leave the room sometimes. Or the TV would get turned off! Bummer! As I got older, mostly lately, I was finally allowed to watch it, and recently became a loyal watcher, this 41st season.
   This show, not only is it funny, but it really means a lot to me. In the middle of November, I had my heart broken, or maybe I broke my own heart, I don't know what to say about this. Needless to say, what was a happy day, turned into one of the worst days on my list. I took it very hard, and though it rests near the back of my mind, as far as I can push it, it is still there, and it still hurts sometimes. It's just another thing on top of my pile of mental garbage that plagues me at every waking moment.
  It was a bad night, but thank God it was a Saturday, and SNL was on, and I could laugh instead of cry that night.  And laugh I did. It was a great show. If it had been a Monday or a Sunday or whatever, there would be no chance, I'd have cried all night.
   But of course, I pretty much cried all of Sunday night....and Monday.. etc etc...You can't win.
     But for that one time, I was happy and could laugh. And that is why I look forward to it ALL WEEK!
I bring cherry Pepsi from work, I get the Cheezits from the top of the fridge, get the posse together (my father and sister) and we have a great time, dying of laughter, I swear it is the best.
One day, though I don't count on it, I hope to see it live in NYC. That would be the bomb. It's always been a dream of Mine to see the Big Apple. AND TAKE A GIANT BITE!! 
 In the meantime, I might have a letter to Kyle Mooney in the works. If he sends me a photo, I can't decide where to hang it. I have my wall with the signed Jerry Lewis picture, I was kind of reserving that wall for Jewish comics, I have my Simon and Garfunkel poster on the same side of the room. I don't know if Kyle Mooney is Jewish, but Vanessa Bayer is...perhaps I will write two.
  After this week, the show goes on Holliday break, but I guess I can wait. At least I have some reruns.
And what do you do when it is almost Saturday night? Listen to Karla DeVito sing about it!

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