Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello Again!

      Hello again! It's been awhile. I feel bad, I only gave you guys less then five posts last month. I can't write up everyday, plus, I want to make sure my posts are interesting!
    Just got back last week from staying with my Aunt and Uncle, gosh I miss them a lot! It was a fun week. Also, I spent a lot of last month and June feeling quite under the weather, so those are the two reasons why I haven't written, or even ventured on Blogger to read my fellow blogger's postings! All this is to change soon, I hope.
   Lots of demands and plans for projects,  photos coming soon! I've even made another infinity scarf (also have the pattern committed to memory!) This time in black for my Grandma! Those infinity scarves are pretty fun to make, but a lot more fun to see people wearing the finished product!
     I seriously love to make things for people!!
    So, how is your Summer going? Did you get to go anywhere? Any thing on your hooks or needles? Let me know!


  1. It's good to "see" you again :-) I hope you're feeling better this month. I, too, am unable to blog every day; my new average is 2 posts per week. I'm hoping to bump that up to 3 posts, but we'll see. In any case, quality over quantity!

    1. Nice to see you again too, yes quality over quantity, I'm feeling much better, my goodness, what a month! Good for amazing Summer memories bad for my health, hope you are feeling better also.
