Sunday, May 10, 2015

Life Would Be Better As A 1940s Musical.

      Here is a thought I have been entertaining. Wouldn't life be so much better in musical form? I'm not talking gritty musicals such as "Rent", even though it's soundtrack is darn good. I grew up on it too.
     I'm talking the classic 1940s/1950s musical. The lavish numbers. The glorious Technicolor. Every player a triple threat, (singer/actor/dancer) everything happy all of the time.  Nothing bad ever seems to happen and if there is, it's only a lover's quarrel or a slight misunderstanding-always resolved.
  I've dreamed about the movies for years. I had always wanted to be an actress. I was in several plays, no big name ones though. Just for church and such. As of earlier this year, I am retired from acting. I know what you are thinking. "She's 16, how can she already be retired?" Well, I have found these reasons:
1: To hard a profession to get into.
2: It wasn't about saying the lines to me. I actually wanted to BE the movie! Live it as life!
3: I have bigger fish to fry. My goal is to help others, I intend for it to be my life's work.
    But I will never stop singing and playing the Bass! The only time you might see me acting is on YouTube, doing funny movies with my family. I digress.
   Things were just so cute in the 1940s musicals! There were many cute musicals, all the way down to the 60s. I would love to have lived in "Singin' In The Rain", possibly one of the best and cutest musicals ever. You break out singing. You tap dance like mad. You run up the wall! You Moses Supposes!
   When you watch a musical, you get these good feelings inside. And you end up with feelings of awe! I mean, Donald O'Connor's mad tap dancing skills? Is it a crime that I paid more attention to him then Gene Kelly? No offense to Kelly, who is fabulous in his own right. I'm bananas, I saw past him in his own starring vehicle!
     Does anything truly sad happen in musicals? Well, beside "West Side Story", which had me crying and shaking my fist at the unfairness of the whole situation. Is any one going to be terrorized or get horribly sick in a  Mickey Rooney picture? I think not.
     That is why I would like to live in a musical. Nothing to worry about. No looking over your shoulder, no walking with a fist clenched. No hospitals. No needles. No pain. No evil people. Just colorful happiness, sweet dresses, and dancing with Donald, even though I can't dance. But this is a musical, so I automatically can. No biggie. And if I couldn't even then, there would be a wacky musical number where I learn how, and quickly, ala "The Rain In Spain" from "My Fair Lady", another great one.
Who wouldn't want to live in a classy and happy World? I'd take it in a heartbeat and dance all memories of an evil World as far as my tap shoes can kick it. What say you? Are there any alternate worlds you would prefer to live in? Let me know!

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